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Course Lectures

Session 1: Team Building and Lean Startups

In this session, the cohort will get to know one another through team-building exercises.

Session 2: The Value Proposition

In this session, students will learn how to summarize their business and the value it provides to customers in 1 sentence.

Session 3: Customer Discovery and Customer Segments

In this session, students will learn who they are selling to and why.

Session 4: Customer Channels

In this session, students will learn how they offer value to their customers, and how they differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Session 5: Customer Relationships

In this session, students will learn about sales funnels and the “get-keep-grow” method.

Session 6: Revenue Streams and Cost Structure

In this session, students will learn how to keep track of the money coming in and going out of their businesses, and be able to pinpoint where outgoing money can be saved.

Session 7: Key Activities, Partners, and Resources

In this session, students will learn how to “strategically guess” in this part of the Business Model Canvas and learn how to be comfortable with the unknown.

Session 8: Putting the Pieces Together

In this session, we will discuss the Business Model Canvas as a whole and review pitch decks prior to Demo Day.

Session 9: Reciprocal Exchange Demo Day

In this session, students will have the chance to put everything together and present their businesses to a local audience.

Printed Course Materials

Course Slide Decks